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Safn allra aðgerðaskráa Vistkerfi nýsköpunar. Þú getur takmarkað listann með því að velja tegund aðgerðaskráar, notandanafn, eða síðu.

  • 24. ágúst 2023 kl. 18:47 Admin spjall framlög eyddi síðunni Acid Reflux Tips That Anyone Can Use (innihaldið var: „== Acid Reflux Tips That Anyone Can Use == When you require a mouthful or two, place down your fork. This means are nibbling fully and really slowing down when you eat. Look at what this chew choices like, and what was different than the last mouthful. Take advantage of the consistency from the food items both whenever it initially enters the mouth, and when you ar...“ og öll framlög voru frá „Ijutygom“ (talk))